Category: Electronics Course

DSEU Launches Short-Term Advance Certificate Courses for Electronics Sector

DSEU Launches Short-Term Advance Certificate Courses for Electronics Sector

Designed by FIIT, IIT Delhi, these Advance Certificate Courses have been launched in collaboration with Industry Partner, Elios Healthcare.

Delhi Skills  and  Entrepreneurship  University  (DSEU),  in  collaboration  with  Elios Health care announced the launch of two short-term Certificate Courses for the Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector from this academic session. The courses were officially launched by Dr. Ashok Kumar Nagawat , Vice-Chancellor at DSEU, in presence of Prof. M A Khan, Campus Director, DSEU Okhla-II Campus, Sabbar Tousif, Managing Director of Elios Healthcare, Rai Umraopati Ray, Course Head and Amit Sinha, Consultant, CoE. Agri.

These industry-aligned courses grant NSQF 5 & 6 levels, includes 75 hours of theory classes at the DSEU campus, and a paid on-the-job training of 225 hours, culminating in assured job placements for the students. These courses are going to start at DSEU Okhla IT Campus, under Centre of Excellence Agriculture (CoE Agri).

“We are delighted to unveil the Certificate Courses in ESDM, which will play a pivotal role in fulfilling the demand for skilled manpower in the electronic manufacturing industries. The course not only addresses the growing denmand for skilled professionals in the industry but  also  aligns  perfectly  with  the  Government  of  lndia’s  Make  in  India  program.